Who Cares About Traffic When You're Riding in the Movie Theater Bus

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who Cares About Traffic When You're Riding in the Movie Theater BusWho Cares About Traffic When You're Riding in the Movie Theater Bus
In-car DVD players are useful for placating a kid or two in the backseat, but how do you keep a bus full of adults preoccupied? Try this fully restored vintage movie theater on wheels.
Who Cares About Traffic When You're Riding in the Movie Theater Bus
The Vintage Mobile Cinema is one of seven such vans that were commissioned by the UK's Ministry of Technology in the late 1960s. After sitting in disrepair for over a decade, this one has been painstakingly restored and outfitted with an all new theater system:
Onkyo TX-NR807 receiver
Pioneer BDP-320 Blu-ray player
Mordaunt Short Aviano 6 floorstander speakers
Mordaunt Short Alumni 9 subwoofer speaker
Mordaunt Short Alumni 5 center speaker
Mordaunt Short Alumni 3 surround speakers (x4)
Epson EH-TW3500 LCD projector
Patrons watch the screenings—which include lesser known films from back in the day and archival footage from the different cities to which the bus travels—from one of 22 upholstered seats which themselves date back to the 1930s, and independent filmmakers are being encouraged to screen their work in the Movie Bus, too.
There are plenty more interesting photos of the bus—some of it in its swanky new state, some from its not-so-swanky pre-refurbished days—over at Bldg Blog. It certainly seems like a fun place to watch a movie, unless that movie is Speed.


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