For all Apple Mac Fanatics out there....Here's the CD-R King 'Apple keyboard'!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CD-R King Slim Keyboard 

The Philippines' favorite gadget bargain bag is at it again. Mac fanboys and wannabes, take heed: CD-R King now has its own version of the Apple keyboard. Simply called the "Slim Keyboard," this sexy accessory looks every bit as good as the real thing.

At P550, the slim keyboard sports a Windows icon instead of a command button and the "CD-R King" branding appears prominently on the top left portion, boo. If you're not a stickler for detail, however, this is a good deal and would add some much-needed class to your PC.

We're not sure if it works with Macs, but knowing how Apple fanatics are purists and wouldn't be caught dead using one of these with their fancy iMacs, it doesn't matter if it does anyway. Now, if CD-R King comes out with a knockoff of the Magic Trackpad, that would be just swell.

Let us just hope that this CD-R KING product will be a tough one... (If you know what I mean..... hahaha)


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